'Be the Catalyst' of Your Life: How Catalyst Integrators® supported me in transforming my Fears into Greatness

By: Nicole Mennicke

When I look back to 2021, a pivotal year in my life, I can't help but remember the immense fear and uncertainty I felt when I made the decision to explore the role of a fractional integrator. It was a path I had never really considered, and the doubts in my mind were overwhelming. I met Jamie and her incredible team at Catalyst, and everything changed. They helped me transform my fears into opportunities for greatness, guiding me through the journey in three significant ways:

1) Overcoming the “Out On My Own” Anxiety: My biggest fear was the anxiety of having to find all my own clients and the worry about not regaining my income quickly enough. Jamie and her team addressed this fear with a tried, true, and authentic business development strategies. They leveraged their extensive network and remarkable vetting skills to connect me with not just any clients, but the RIGHT clients, perfectly aligned with my strengths. As a result, my ramp-up time was only a third of what I had anticipated. The Catalyst approach took the pressure off me, but instead worked WITH me, allowing me to focus on what I do best.

2) Conquering Imposter Syndrome: Another significant challenge I faced was imposter syndrome. I questioned whether I could truly fill the role of a fractional Integrator. The Catalyst team provided me with invaluable internal resources that acted as a roadmap for onboarding into this role. These resources not only helped me overcome this internal doubt but also continue to guide and support me as I navigate the diverse landscape of my clients. I no longer feel like an imposter; I feel empowered and equipped to kick butt in my role.

3) Demystifying the “Lonely Island” Blues: One of my fears was the sense of isolation that often accompanies being a fractional Integrator. I had spent so much of my career as part of teams, and the thought of being on my own freaked me out! My experience with the incredible Catalyst team quickly put that to bed. I've never felt more connected and part of a team than I do now. I have daily access to some of the most strategic, emotionally intelligent, and talented fractional Integrators. We collaborate, inspire, challenge, and hold each other accountable. It's a supportive community where I thrive.

Today, I can confidently say that I am doing work that fills me with joy. I am surrounded by amazing people, have time for the things that matter most to me, and I'm truly making a difference with the clients I serve. Moreover, I'm compensated fairly for the immense value I bring. If I could give advice to my past self, it would be simple: "Do it sooner." Embrace the journey, face your fears, and let Catalyst be your guiding light. They turned my fears into stepping stones toward greatness, and they can do the same for you. So, “Be the Catalyst” for your own transformation and start your journey today.

If you are an Integrator and looking to transition to being fractional, please reach out to us at info@catalystintegrators.com or apply on our Careers page.