We are an extension of the EOS Implementers’ teachings & guidance by bringing the execution & accountability! The 40-50 hours a year spent with them working ON their business, is supported by our 4-20 hours working IN the business with our clients each week. We reinforce EOS® purity and set the leadership team up for success by strengthening the components and adding clarity into what they need to continue to grow their business.

Our sweet spot is supporting Visionaries that need the discipline and accountability of the Integrator but may not be ready to hire one full time yet. Some common client fears and how we work through them…

  • Fear of ROI… we provide a temporary reduced-cost (in some cases) solution, preparing them internally and financially for a full-time transition when the business is ready for it.

  • Fear of delegating… we are able to thoughtfully ask the tough questions about day to day operations that lead to stronger IDSing and results in faster and clearer delegation.

  • Fear of losing control… Catalyst strongly believes that supporting Visionaries to look at the bigger picture for themselves both personally and professionally would lovingly build healthier mindsets around leveraging their high-powered teams.

  • Fear of the unknown… oftentimes, the Visionary is also the Integrator, or they have never had one before so they lack the ability to separate themselves from these two seats and need a guide to show them the way by guiding and modeling. 

What does a fractional Integrator bring to the table?

+Communication +Experience +Resolution +Clarity +Outside Perspective +Focus +Accountability +Team Unity +Project Management +Follow Through +Consistency +Simplicity +Prioritization +Execution +Best Practices +Alignment


EOS mastery and commitment to purity. As an organization we are passionately committed to only having experienced Integrators on the team. We have all operated as full time Integrators with a minimum of 2+ years of experience up to our seniors having 8+ years running companies on EOS. We all commit to completing the EOS Masterclass certification and hold each other accountable to keep EOS purity our top priority. We are committed to exclusively operating on EOS with our clients.

Our engagements support the transition to a full-time Integrator. Unlike other firms, we position ourselves as a temporary bridge until they are ready to bring on their full-time Integrator or while we coach someone internally. Much like EOS Implementers, our guiding light is preparing them for their own “graduation” including identifying, onboarding and training the next Integrator so they can continue the amazing work of EOS purity in their organization.

We meet clients where they are. We truly live the “Help First” value of EOS.  We do not go in with a cookie cutter approach but rather assess their needs and plug in where there are gaps. This could come in the form of coaching engagements - HALF day engagements all the way up to 2.5 days per week.  We also do not manage the relationship with one single weekday but rather plug into the organization’s existing meeting pulse throughout the week to show up as a true part of the team.

We love working WITH EOS Implementers! We all love to facilitate and lead; however all of us at Catalyst have felt the power of a great EOS Implementer. Just as we hold the team accountable to respect our roles in the weekly meeting pulse, we extend that same respect for you in your session rooms!  We love the opportunity to truly participate as a team member in the Focus Day, Vision Building Days and Quarterly and Annual Pulsing. We are not there to undermine the process or serve as an adversary to getting the great work they do, to done. We also love aligning together on a regular basis and getting feedback on where we can best focus our energy internally, based on observations in session. EOS Implementers support our leadership teams to work ON the business quarterly, while we work IN the business week to week.


Why does this matter?

  • We each do what we do best - the EOS Implementer will teach & guide as experienced coaches, and we rollout, reinforce & execute

  • Faster internal buy-in for busy teams!

  • Leadership teams are more prepared for their sessions

  • We are experienced, knowledgeable & honest eyes in the organization

What is the best way to start talking about the possibilities for support?

  1. Connect: We are open books about our process and how we can work together.

  2. Discover: Make a direct connection with clients to do an exploratory call with our own internal expert, to help assess fit.

  3. Interview: We believe in the power of Right People Right Seat in organizations, and we know selecting the right fractional Integrator fit is no different!  Clients are able to interview multiple Integrators on our team to explore value alignment with their organization.

  4. Align: At this stage the Catalyst fractional Integrator spends time going deeper into what specific pain points we can support then develop a plan for success.