BIG NEWS from Catalyst! What a journey this has been so far. Not only am I working on living my own ideal EOS Life, but I've been graced with the opportunity to have some other very amazing people on the journey with me, @Paulina and @Stephany. These badass Integrators are also living their ideal EOS lives and the adventure has been incredible!
Paulina and I set out at the beginning of 2021 with a lofty V/TO and we have already crushed it! We're marking our 1 Year Plan as DONE! The Catalyst Team will welcome two new Fractional Integrators to the team in Q4 to further our mission of supporting more clients. (Stay tuned to find out who will be joining us, or contact me to get on our waiting list!)
AND Catalyst now has our very own full time internal Integrator!! It is my pleasure to announce the addition of Jennifer Albrecht as the new Integrator here at Catalyst Integrators. Jennifer comes to us with a background in working with EOS, and a passion for the details. Check out her bio on our Team page!
The Catalyst Team is elated to have Jennifer on board. Please give her a warm welcome; we are blessed to have her!
Be the Catalyst,
Jamie Munoz