How an Integrator Can Bring Their “A” Game to Planning Sessions with their EOS Implementer

By: Nicole Mennicke, Fractional Integrator

Companies running on EOS® know the power of quarterly and annual planning sessions. You don’t have to drag us kicking and screaming to a session room. We love this dedicated time to sit with our teams and see the power of EOS in full force.  

Both those leading and those participating should fully understand the expectations of the sessions and everyone’s roles to maximize this critical time together as a team.


Simply stated - the EOS Implementer is there to lead the team to work ON the business quarterly, while the Integrator supports the team working IN and ON the business week to week. 

The Integrator brings the knowledge of the day-to-day business operations and the insight into the team’s overall health and well-being. The EOS® Implementer (EOSI) serves as the guide for the planning sessions, bringing the team back to their core mission, vision, and values, and keeping the focus on what has been accomplished while outlining what is yet to come. Both the Integrator and the EOSI bring their passion for EOS® and together, these leaders partner to achieve traction during the sessions, identifying and discussing issues, and pointing the team in the same direction.

Each team member, including the Integrator and EOSI, brings their strengths, knowledge of and passion for the business, and the specific role-related responsibilities they have, to the table. The EOSI allows the Integrator to focus on their role as a member of the leadership team, contributing ideas and holding fellow colleagues accountable where needed.

Whether the Integrator is full-time or fractional, their role remains the same: allowing the Leadership Team and the EOSI to work ON the business together in the session. As an Integrator you can seek prep work and advice from your EOSI ahead of your session and also after. Lean on them as trusted partners that value your company and let them coach you!


Before an issue can be discussed and resolved, the issue must be identified. Skilled Integrators have experienced a variety of issues and are keen to bring those issues to the surface as soon as they appear. Issue resolution at its best requires attention to behaviors, missed deadlines, and lack of reporting. Not only is the Integrator likely the one to identify issues, but is also integral to the decision about the best solutions to address and solve the issue. The Integrator’s background and varied experience can help provide a unique perspective for the Visionary and, where needed, the EOSI, to make solutions impactful and lasting.

The opportunity for the team to gather, discuss, resolve, and plan is key to the future success of the organization. The Integrator and EOSI can see great advantage in communicating ahead of each session to consult on any issues needing attention. The EOSI, as the leader of the session, can then guide the leadership team in the discussion and resolution of those issues, with input from all in the room. 


“The experienced Integrator is so happy to have the plan when we leave the session. They can envision the milestones, and then hold the team accountable and set the pulse for the organization.”

Matt Hahne, Certified EOS Implementer®

Trained as facilitators and committed to EOS® purity, the EOSI plays an important role in the success of both the session and the future of the business. EOSI Matt Hahne said it best: “As an Implementer, we commit to EOS® mastery and are experienced facilitators. We serve as “doctors” to businesses. We can advise, but if you do not do the work, you will not see the results.” Without complete commitment from the entire leadership team, a session’s value is only as good as the weakest member of the team. 

As the “doctor” in the room, the EOSI can help recommend the treatment and the plan to ensure ongoing good health - of the team, of the organization, and of the overall business strategy. 

The doctor’s right hand in the session is then the Integrator, or “physical therapist”, taking the treatment plan and putting the plan into action. The Integrator, in partnership with the team leaders, keeps everyone focused on growth while also paying attention to the injections of confidence, change, and the actions that will move the team forward. From the 30K feet view in the session, down to the ground to move things forward, clearly map out all of the Plans and Goals set at the meeting. PRO TIP: Utilize tools like the Impact Filter from Strategic Coach to get clear on Rocks. 

A quarterly or annual planning session always brings the opportunity for growth, vision, and, ultimately, implementation. Working side by side, the team uncovers those things in their way, dealing with obstacles, celebrating successes, and strategizing and then putting into action the initiatives that will result in success. The EOSI and the Integrator, working in tandem, are the essential guides and take-action players for the planning sessions.

Your next planning session is already on the calendar. Striving for continued growth will require change, open-mindedness, and the partners of the EOSI and Integrator to achieve ultimate EOS® success. How can you best prepare for your role in the next planning session?